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Request for Proposals: Design and Copy Editing Services for Trail Planning and Development Guide

Steph Noll

In Spring 2020, Oregon’s Governor’s Task Force on the Outdoors published a Framework for Action of policy and initiative recommendations to grow the economy, sustain our natural resources, and encourage outdoor recreation experiences that benefit all Oregonians.

One of the recommendations was the following:

Publish a partnership guide for recreation groups and agencies

Explanation: In recent years many agencies have transitioned to put a greater emphasis on volunteers and partnerships to accomplish some of their goals. The core of this idea is to create a guide for recreation groups on how to partner on a project from idea to implementation. The toolkit should aim to help trails advocates in particular to navigate the planning, resource, funding, use and maintenance considerations that land managers follow for recreational infrastructure projects, including new construction as well as ongoing operations and maintenance.

With financial support from the Bureau of Land Management and Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, the Oregon Trails Coalition took up the project.

Thanks to the input of many partners, the first draft of the guide has been completed, and we are now seeking partner(s) to provide graphic design and copy editing services for the final guide. See the full Request for Proposals here. Deadline for applications is January 31st, 2021.

Two youth wearing shorts, sneakers, and sweatshirts walking down a dirt trail with arms around each other

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