On Thursday, nine cities and parks districts received twelve grants focused on filling gaps in the regional network of paved, multi-use trails. The one-time grants were funded by the 2019 parks and nature bond measure. You can read about all the projects funded on Metro's website.

Thanks to all of our Coalition partners who gave public comment on the importance of dedicated funding for trails in the 2019 bond, who helped get out the vote to pass the bond, and who lifted up great projects for funding.
You can read the testimony Oregon Trails Coalition gave at Thursday's Council meeting here.
Regional trails planners estimate it will cost more than $500 million to build out the rest of the Regional Trails Plan. Next up, you can join us in asking Metro Council to allocate Regional Flexible Funds to more critical trail projects in the region at their Oct. 13th Council Meeting. See the list of projects being recommended for funding here. Learn more about the projects here. Learn how to submit comment for the Oct. 13th Metro Council meeting here.