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Trails are Critical for Safe Transportation and Connect Oregon is a Critical Funding Source for Trai

Steph Noll

Did you know that Oregon has a constitutional restriction on spending gas tax funds outside of the highway right of way? That means that even though communities across Oregon have identified specific trails as key components in their transportation system plans, trails are not eligible for most of the transportation funding in the state.

Connect Oregon is a key program that funds transportation investments outside of the highway right-of-way including port, aviation, rail, transit, and bike and pedestrian trails. Some leaders have questioned if the pedestrian and bicycle program belongs in Connect Oregon. The Oregon Trails Coalition submitted testimony this week on how critical this funding source is for trails in our communities.

Do you rely on a trail as a part of your daily commute? Or do you know of a planned bike and pedestrian path that would make a big difference in your family's life if it were funded? It's always a good time to let your elected leaders know that you value investments in trails.

paved bridge crossing with wooden hand rails with trees and orchard in background

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