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Fully Fund Recreational Trails Program!

Steph Noll

Updated: May 28, 2021

Oregon Trails Coalition and partners support HR 1864: Recreational Trails Program Full Funding Act.

4 adults and one small child in frame backpack pick their way across a rocky stream crossing

The federal Recreational Trails Program was initiated in 1991 under ISTEA and most recently reauthorized under the FAST Act. The program has benefited trails enjoyed by every type of trail activity through some 30,000 projects. It utilizes a portion of the federal motor fuel tax paid by certain trail activities – classified as nonhighway recreational use – and creates both state-level consensus on trail priorities through representative trail advisory committees and remarkable partnerships of federal/state/local agencies, trail enthusiasts and outdoor recreation and tourism businesses to improve local economies, the physical and mental health of tens of millions of us and to improve safe access to public lands.

RTP is currently funded at $84M annually at the national level. The RTP Full Funding Act would increase program funding closer to the estimated $270M paid annually in federal fuel taxes by non-highway recreational users

This program is critical for Oregon trails and to Oregon communities and is significantly oversubscribed. In the current Oregon RTP cycle there is $1.6 million available and $5.5 million of eligible requests from around the state. This is typical of how great the need is compared to the funding available annually under current legislation. You can see important trail investments beloved to Oregon communities that have been funded by RTP in recent years here:

We want to be certain that the 117th Congress adds resources and improvements to the RTP as part of a needed infrastructure program and/or reauthorization of the nation’s surface transportation program.

We ask members of congress to:

1. Co-sponsor HR 1864, The RTP Full Funding Act.

2. Extend and expanding the Recreational Trails Program in legislation to meet the nation’s infrastructure and surface transportation needs.

Contact your representative to share why recreational trails and HR 1864 are important to you!

Thanks to all of our partners who signed on to our recent call for the Oregon Congressional Delegation to support HR 1864: Recreational Trails Program Full Funding Act. These organizations along with more than 90 individuals signed on in support.

Oregon Trails Coalition

Pacific Crest Trails Association

Oregon Equestrian Trails

Deschutes Trails Coalition

40 Mile Loop Land Trust

Back Country Horsemen of America

Back Country Horsemen of Oregon

Build Lebanon Trails (BLT)

Oregon Parks Forever

View the Future, Yachats

Southern Oregon Trail Alliance

National Coast Trail Association

Access Recreation

Oregon State Snowmobile Association

Joseph Branch Trail Consortium

The Street Trust

Metro Regional Government

Oregon Motorcycle Riders Association

Central Oregon Trail Alliance

Crosscurrent Collective

Back Country Horsemen of Oregon Eugene Chapter

Chehalem Park & Recreation District

Sisters Trails Alliance

KG Consultants

Klamath Trails Alliance

Northwest Coast Trails Coalition

Friends of the Owyhee

Cascade Volunteers

Ptarmigan Collective

City of Eugene Parks Planning

Corlett Landscape Architecture

Umpqua Velo Club and LUMBR (Land of Umpqua Mountain Bike Riders)

McCormick & Co Consulting

City of Monmouth

Gorge Pedal

Trailkeepers of Oregon (TKO)

Friends of the Yamhelas Westsider Trail

Northwest Trail Alliance

Bike Loud PDX

No More Freeways

Alpine Trail Crew Association

Adventures Without Limits

Adventure Cycling Association

Molalla River Watch Watershed Council

The Intertwine Alliance

Oregon Natural Desert Association

Oregon Mountain Bike Coalition

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