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Ready, Set, Plan!? Guide Release

Steph Noll

Updated: May 5, 2021

With gratitude to a long list of contributors, we are pleased to announce the release of our Ready, Set, Plan!? Introductory Guide to Trails Planning and Development.

Ready, Set, Plan cover

Ready, Set, Plan!? is a guide for anyone who wants to better understand trails planning, decision making, and trail project development. If you’re a trail enthusiast with big ideas, a trail advocate, a stewardship volunteer, or public agency staff person interfacing with local partners, this guide is for you.

The guide was made possible with support from Bureau of Land Management and Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.

You can now:

You can access an edited recording of our guide launch webinar below. Unfortunately we had some technical difficulties this month and didn't get a recording of our event grand marshal, Mel Huie's opening remarks. We also had to cut out the video we shared, but you can access the npGreenway video with sound on YouTube here.

Thanks to our presenters!

Mel Huie, recently retired Metro trails planner, Event Grand Marshal

Jim Beaupre, Lemon Gulch MTB Trail System, Ochoco National Forest

Francie Royce, npGreenway, Portland

Jodi Bellefuille, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department

Dan Davis, Bureau of Land Management

Thanks to Bureau of Land Management and Oregon Parks and Recreation Department for their support of the development of this guide.

Thanks to Travel Oregon for their support of the 2021 Oregon Trails Coalition Webinar Series.

And to all you trail advocates and public servants, we leave you with the following wise words from the Pointer Sisters, "Yes, We Can, Can" and from Winston Churchill via Mel Huie, "Never, never, never give up!"

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